Fairview Adult Substance Use Assessment Services

2312 South Sixth street

Now offering telehealth and in-person Substance Use Disorder evaluations. Please call to see if we can do a same day appointment. *Now offering MyChart Appointment scheduling * A thorough, accurate assessment is the first step in addressing substance use issues. Fairview’s licensed alcohol/drug counselors offer comprehensive evaluations to determine a client’s current or potential risk for substance use problems. Clients may self-refer or be recommended by family members, therapists, probation officers or other professionals. The assessment takes approximately one-and-a-half hours and includes taking a history of alcohol and drug use and reviewing the biological, psychological and social factors that may contribute to substance use problems. With the client’s written permission, our therapists will also collaborate with family, friends and other professionals that can provide helpful insight. After the assessment is finalized, a comprehensive summary is created. If necessary, our therapist will recommend appropriate treatment options, both inside and outside the Fairview care system. Problem Gambling Assessments and Rule 82 are done via Telehealth.