Mayo Clinic Health System – Fountain Centers Men’s Residential in Albert Lea

404 W Fountain St
Albert Lea ,MN,56007

Located in Albert Lea, MN, Fountain Centers has been a main-stay in chemical dependency treatment since 1974. Fountain Centers Albert Lea offers Adult men's level 3.5 residential programming, Men's level 2.1 intensive Outpatient programming with sober lodging (Extended Care), and is one of 7 locations that provide level 2.1 Intensive Outpatient Treatment, level 1.0 Outpatient Treatment (relapse track), individual counseling, group counseling, and cog skills. We provide comprehensive assessments and MAT services. We have a virtual / hybrid component to treatment. We also have an in person option. We provide AM and PM groups. Intensive Outpatient programing is open to all genders, adult and adolescent.