Minnesota Mental Health Services

Minnesota Mental Health Services

530 N. Riverfront Drive
Suite 230

Minnesota Mental Health Services offers people in the southern Minnesota area personalized counseling experiences. We have flexible hours for appointments in a calm, relaxed environment. This is a innovative, mindfulness-based practice operating outside of the medical model of mental health treatment. We do not work directly with health insurance companies. Nor are we dictated by their methods of operation. We are independent and are a fee-for-service practice. This means we are out-of-network providers (i.e., not credentialed with specific health insurance companies).

Patients pay at the time they come in for an appointment and if the patient would like to submit claims to their health insurance company, we provide them with the documentation to do that on their own. We do not see patients as damaged individuals in need of repair and we are not interested in applying labels to people. We work with people who are suffering and attempt to alleviate the suffering caused by dysfunctional systems (both internal and external systems). Our core beliefs are that people can think, feel, and solve their problems; you know what you need to do in order to heal; you are not dependent upon so-called “experts” or psychotropic medications in order to function.

We offer free 30-minute in-person consultations for all prospective new patients. This gives us an opportunity to hear the reasons you are pursuing services and what you are looking for in terms of services. We will explain what services we provide (e.g., individual, family or couples therapy as well as diagnostic assessment), the methods we use and go over any questions you have.
