MH Adult Day Treatment/Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Intense counseling services provided in a partial-hospitalization setting

To be eligible for adult day treatment, a recipient must be eligible for a Minnesota Health Care Program; Be age 18 years or older (recipients age 18, 19, or 20 years may receive adult day treatment, CTSS, or both, depending on medical necessity); Not be residing in an institution (nursing facility, hospital, IMD, RTC), unless the recipient has an active discharge plan that indicates a move to an independent living arrangement within 180 days (refer to Recipients in Institutions or Residential Facilities); and have a diagnosis of mental illness (primary diagnoses may not be alcohol or other drug abuse).
Recipients admitted to adult day treatment programs must be in need of and have the capacity to benefit from the rehabilitative nature, the structured setting and therapeutic components of psychotherapy and skills activities that are integral to a day treatment program.
Recipients with mental illness and a developmental disability or cognitively degenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s, must have the ability to understand and benefit from day treatment. When a recipient does not have or ceases to have the cognitive capacity to benefit from day treatment services, day habilitation programs or adult day care services under a waiver program may be more appropriate. Refer recipients in need of these or other services to the county human service agencies or private agencies. Day treatment is distinguished from day care by the structured therapeutic program of psychotherapy and other therapeutic components.
